Open Parliament TV
We make parliamentary debates more transparent and accessible
In October 2021, the first parliament went live on Open Parliament TV!
Check out our search engine and interactive video platform with data by the German Bundestag:
Check out our search engine and interactive video platform with data by the German Bundestag:
With Open Parliament TV we build up trust in parliamentary democracy, by making political decision processes more transparent, trustworthy and participatory.
Videos recordings of parliamentary debates hold great untapped potential for digital democracy. They are more tangible than text documents or lists of votes and provide an easily accessible “window“ to the underlying discussions, negotiations and decisions.
We want to use this potential by
- creating a joint technological basis for parliaments (interoperable standards, interfaces and document formats) as well as
- developing a search engine and interactive video platform, in which speeches are searchable, linkable, citable and sharable via a synchronisation of videos and proceedings.
Others about us
[...] Open Parliament TV shows which potentials digitisation and open data hold for digital democracy
Open Parliament TV is just awesome. This is what I always wished for as a member of parliament.
Brilliant tool for transparency and democracy [...]. Great work, which we actively support with CORRECTIV!
We're very proud to support Open Parliament TV. The project aims to make democratic and civic life more accessible to everyone not just political and media professionals.
With Open Parliament TV, the speeches in the German Bundestag become searchable and finally more accessible. I would like to see that for all parliaments.
Open Parliament TV is a beautiful example which useful applications are possible, when government data is openly accessible.
What an awesome initiative to make parliamentary work more transparent!
Love this quietly awesome project [...]. Such obvious steps for any modern, web-enabled democracy to take, and yet so few have done so. Bravo.
Open Parliament TV is a great bid from civil society for more transparent parliaments.